Workshop: “Female ejaculation and G-Spot” – we squirt back!

Saturday, March 15th 2025 15.00 – 18.00h (women* only) –
Saturday, Mai 17th for couples, poly and singles (all gender welcome) 15.00 – 18.00h
Saturday, September 20th 15.00 – 18.00h (women*  only)-
Saturday, November 15 for couples, poly and singles of all gender – 15.00 – 18.00h

The female* prostate was known as a pleasure organ for over thousands of years. Modern science did finally ignore her existence. Now she is here again and has a coming out together with the female ejaculation. 
In the workshop you will learn in the first part about the sexual anatomy and the function of “the paraurethral tissues” and practice some pelvic exercises which support the flow of the fountain. In the second part of the workshop participants explore their individual G-Spot and Prostate: what she looks like, where is she located, how is she stimulated and how she ejaculates. I will guide through all the explorations and moderate the exchange of experiences.

Cost 90 € each person, couple 175€, triple 260€

“A discovery of my vulva and we are both really happy about having more and more contact.”

Literature: Female Ejaculation. The gush of Ecstasy.
(Ed). Dr. Laura Méritt   Order
