Fridays at 6pm (please check dates at
Energy waves from the pelvic floor to laugh along. No prior knowledge needed.
Exclusivitäten, Fürbringerstrasse 2, 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Entry 15-10 €
pelvic base
Female Source
The female prostate
The female prostate consists of erectile tissue, situated around the urethra. The prostate tissue has numerous glands and tubes that end in the urethra and the mucous membrane around the urethral opening. Length and form may vary; and as there are so many glands, the flow of joy may be prolific. The ejaculation fluid is produced in these glands; it will find an exit through the urethra and adjacent channels.
The rippled tissue of this highly-sensitive region is best felt when putting a finger into the entry area of the vulva. When this tissue is stimulated and swells, it may cause a feeling of having to empty the bladder (not surprising, it’s very close-by). This area is called the G-spot.
The pelvic base
A well-trained pelvic base is the key to physical and sexual well-being. One doesn’t have to be pregnant or wait till advanced age to get intimate with the surrounding muscles. The pelvic base is a highly active sexual organ. Treat it well and consciously and you are ensured of a lively sex drive and an all-over affirmative attitude to life.