Vulva Massage – Workshop

Saturday, 1th of February from 15 – 18.30h for singles, poly, couples* – all gender welcome
Saturday, 9th of March from 12-15.30h for women*
Saturday, 10th of May from 15 – 18.30h for Singles, poly, couples* – all gender welcome
Saturday, 6th of September from 15 – 18.30h for women*

Workshop on vulva massage, techniques and training to integrate in everybodys sexlife.
Conducted by Dr. Laura Méritt
Exclusivitäten, Fürbringerstraße 2, 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Entry: € 100,– Couple 190€, triple 270€
Single Men*: please contact me for the organization of persons to exercise

“The Massage helped me to differentiate the parts of my vulva and experience the feelings related to in a slow and caring way. How revolutionary for me!” Frizzie

Workshop: “Female ejaculation and G-Spot” – we squirt back!

Saturday, March 15th 2025 15.00 – 18.00h (women* only) –
Saturday, Mai 17th for couples, poly and singles (all gender welcome) 15.00 – 18.00h
Saturday, September 20th 15.00 – 18.00h (women*  only)-
Saturday, November 15 for couples, poly and singles of all gender – 15.00 – 18.00h

The female* prostate was known as a pleasure organ for over thousands of years. Modern science did finally ignore her existence. Now she is here again and has a coming out together with the female ejaculation. 
In the workshop you will learn in the first part about the sexual anatomy and the function of “the paraurethral tissues” and practice some pelvic exercises which support the flow of the fountain. In the second part of the workshop participants explore their individual G-Spot and Prostate: what she looks like, where is she located, how is she stimulated and how she ejaculates. I will guide through all the explorations and moderate the exchange of experiences.

Cost 90 € each person, couple 175€, triple 260€

“A discovery of my vulva and we are both really happy about having more and more contact.”

Literature: Female Ejaculation. The gush of Ecstasy.
(Ed). Dr. Laura Méritt   Order


Female Source

The female prostate

The female prostate consists of erectile tissue, situated around the urethra. The prostate tissue has numerous glands and tubes that end in the urethra and the mucous membrane around the urethral opening. Length and form may vary; and as there are so many glands, the flow of joy may be prolific. The ejaculation fluid is produced in these glands; it will find an exit through the urethra and adjacent channels.

Schematische Darstellung der weiblichen Prostata

© Frauenkörper – neu gesehen. Hg. Föderation der Feministischen Frauen Gesundheits Zentren USA

The rippled tissue of this highly-sensitive region is best felt when putting a finger into the entry area of the vulva. When this tissue is stimulated and swells, it may cause a feeling of having to empty the bladder (not surprising, it’s very close-by). This area is called the G-spot.

The pelvic base

Schematische Darstellung der Klitoris-Muskeln im Bereich des Beckenbodens

© Frauenkörper – neu gesehen. Hg. Föderation der Feministischen Frauen Gesundheits Zentren USA

A well-trained pelvic base is the key to physical and sexual well-being. One doesn’t have to be pregnant or wait till advanced age to get intimate with the surrounding muscles. The pelvic base is a highly active sexual organ. Treat it well and consciously and you are ensured of a lively sex drive and an all-over affirmative attitude to life.


Laura Méritt founded „Sexclusivitaeten“ over 20 years ago and we connect you now to this groundbreaking shop in Europe. Her sex-positive feminist enterprise is focused on sexual health through sexual informations and materials for everybody. All the selected toys and films are of high quality and made by mostly small manufactories with ethical productions. Here are the links for your prostate-stimulation.

Female ejaculation – www.sexclusivitaeten.deThe funny squirting girl – the symbol of female ejaculation – is available as stickers. So if you like to spread it around and enrich your city and surrounding with sex-positive pictograms and messages, mail us. It costs you nothing, we send it to you. You can donate some money for the sex-positve network “Freudenfluss” which is organizing campaigns and events of sexual and political relevance. >>Read more

Have fun and sexplore!

See our dildos in the Sexclusivitaeten Shop See our vibrators in the Sexclusivitaeten Shop See our movies in the Sexclusivitaeten Shop Cover des Buches "Frauenkörper neu gesehen"
Toys Vibrations Movies Cliterature


Lecture: “G-Spot and vulvaric ejaculation”

Friday, 14. March and 14. November 2025 6 p.m.
Where is the female prostate and where and what is the G-spot? Is it possible for all gender to ejaculate and where does it come from? How does she work? Questions and answers around the clitoris and all prostate and sexual organs with Dr. Laura Méritt.

Exclusivitäten, Fürbringerstrasse 2, 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
Entry 15-10€