Vulva Massage – Workshop

Saturday, 1th of February from 15 – 18.30h for singles, poly, couples* – all gender welcome
Saturday, 9th of March from 12-15.30h for women*
Saturday, 10th of May from 15 – 18.30h for Singles, poly, couples* – all gender welcome
Saturday, 6th of September from 15 – 18.30h for women*

Workshop on vulva massage, techniques and training to integrate in everybodys sexlife.
Conducted by Dr. Laura Méritt
Exclusivitäten, Fürbringerstraße 2, 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Entry: € 100,– Couple 190€, triple 270€
Single Men*: please contact me for the organization of persons to exercise

“The Massage helped me to differentiate the parts of my vulva and experience the feelings related to in a slow and caring way. How revolutionary for me!” Frizzie