
Our offer

If a date doesn’t fit in your timetable or you prefer to learn without people around you, you can make an appointment for an individual consultation.

Single Consultation:

I explain you in one hour the anatomy and functions of the female prostate as well the the ejaculation. You can ask me all personal and intimate questions. If you want I will guide you to explore your very special prostate and find out, where she is located, how she looks like and how you can stimulate her. A prostate-massage will show you, what you like and how you can go on.
100€ / practical bodywork included 180 € / 1,5h 250€ / 2h 300€

Couple Consultation:

If you want to explore the prostate and the female ejaculation with your partner, you can book an hour for you two. I also can show you exercises.
120 € / practical bodywork included 200 € / / 1,5h 300€ / 2h 350€

Phone Consultation:

Not all of us live in the same city, but we have medias to communicate. So you can book a phonetalk. I answer you to every single question.
Duration 40 minutes, 100 €

Online Consultation:

Online, there are even more opportunities to answer questions and provide practical guidance. I will be happy to assist you here.
Duration 30 minutes 45 € / 45 minutes 70 / 60 minutes 90€

Group Activities:

Education is very important to show everybody the richness of our sexcual expressions. I am pleased for every inquiry, going further then an individual or couple consultation. I do lectures, public and semi-public sessions whereever and whenever possible.

Please ask for duration and prices under laura.meritt(att)

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