Female Source

The female prostate

The female prostate consists of erectile tissue, situated around the urethra. The prostate tissue has numerous glands and tubes that end in the urethra and the mucous membrane around the urethral opening. Length and form may vary; and as there are so many glands, the flow of joy may be prolific. The ejaculation fluid is produced in these glands; it will find an exit through the urethra and adjacent channels.

Schematische Darstellung der weiblichen Prostata

© Frauenkörper – neu gesehen. Hg. Föderation der Feministischen Frauen Gesundheits Zentren USA

The rippled tissue of this highly-sensitive region is best felt when putting a finger into the entry area of the vulva. When this tissue is stimulated and swells, it may cause a feeling of having to empty the bladder (not surprising, it’s very close-by). This area is called the G-spot.

The pelvic base

Schematische Darstellung der Klitoris-Muskeln im Bereich des Beckenbodens

© Frauenkörper – neu gesehen. Hg. Föderation der Feministischen Frauen Gesundheits Zentren USA

A well-trained pelvic base is the key to physical and sexual well-being. One doesn’t have to be pregnant or wait till advanced age to get intimate with the surrounding muscles. The pelvic base is a highly active sexual organ. Treat it well and consciously and you are ensured of a lively sex drive and an all-over affirmative attitude to life.


Laura Méritt founded „Sexclusivitaeten“ over 20 years ago and we connect you now to this groundbreaking shop in Europe. Her sex-positive feminist enterprise is focused on sexual health through sexual informations and materials for everybody. All the selected toys and films are of high quality and made by mostly small manufactories with ethical productions. Here are the links for your prostate-stimulation.

Female ejaculation – www.sexclusivitaeten.deThe funny squirting girl – the symbol of female ejaculation – is available as stickers. So if you like to spread it around and enrich your city and surrounding with sex-positive pictograms and messages, mail us. It costs you nothing, we send it to you. You can donate some money for the sex-positve network “Freudenfluss” which is organizing campaigns and events of sexual and political relevance. >>Read more

Have fun and sexplore!

See our dildos in the Sexclusivitaeten Shop See our vibrators in the Sexclusivitaeten Shop See our movies in the Sexclusivitaeten Shop Cover des Buches "Frauenkörper neu gesehen"
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Our offer

If a date doesn’t fit in your timetable or you prefer to learn without people around you, you can make an appointment for an individual consultation.

Single Consultation:

I explain you in one hour the anatomy and functions of the female prostate as well the the ejaculation. You can ask me all personal and intimate questions. If you want I will guide you to explore your very special prostate and find out, where she is located, how she looks like and how you can stimulate her. A prostate-massage will show you, what you like and how you can go on.
100€ / practical bodywork included 180 € / 1,5h 250€ / 2h 300€

Couple Consultation:

If you want to explore the prostate and the female ejaculation with your partner, you can book an hour for you two. I also can show you exercises.
120 € / practical bodywork included 200 € / / 1,5h 300€ / 2h 350€

Phone Consultation:

Not all of us live in the same city, but we have medias to communicate. So you can book a phonetalk. I answer you to every single question.
Duration 40 minutes, 100 €

Online Consultation:

Online, there are even more opportunities to answer questions and provide practical guidance. I will be happy to assist you here.
Duration 30 minutes 45 € / 45 minutes 70 / 60 minutes 90€

Group Activities:

Education is very important to show everybody the richness of our sexcual expressions. I am pleased for every inquiry, going further then an individual or couple consultation. I do lectures, public and semi-public sessions whereever and whenever possible.

Please ask for duration and prices under laura.meritt(att)posteo.de

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